Core courses
ECON 1004: Principles of Microeconomics I
ECON 1000: Principles of Macroeconomics I
ECON 1008: Business and Economic Statics I
ACCTING 1002: Accounting for Decision Makers I
Plus four Level I electives taken from the following list or from other disciplines offered by the University of Adelaide:
ACCTING 1005: Accounting Method I
COMMLAW 1004: Commercial Law I
ECOMMRCE 1000: Information Systems I
ECON 1009: International Financial Institutions and Markets
Level II
Core courses
Four Commerce Level II courses
Plus four Level II electives taken from the following list or from other disciplines offered by the University of Adelaide:
ACCTING 2500: Management Accounting II
ACCTING 2501: Financial Accounting II
COMMGMT 2500: Organisational Behaviour II
COMMGMT 2501: Management II
INTBUS 2500: International Business II
COMMLAW 2500: Commercial Law II
CORPFIN 2500: Business Finance II
CORPFIN 2501: Financial Institutions Management II
ECOMMRCE 2500: Internet Commerce II
MARKETNG 2500: Marketing II
MARKETNG 2501: Consumer Behaviour II
Level III
(PLEASE NOTE: Course codes below are only applicable from 2010)
Core courses
Four Commerce Level III courses
Plus four Level III electives taken from the following list or from other disciplines offered by the University of Adelaide:
ACCTING 3500: Accounting Theory III
ACCTING 3501: Corporate Accounting III
ACCTING 3502: Auditing III
ACCTING 3503: Advanced Management Accounting III
COMMGMT 3500: International Management III
COMMGMT 3501: Strategic Management III
COMMGMT 3502: Human Resource Management III
COMMGMT 3503: Organisational Dynamics III
COMMLAW 3500: Income Tax Law III
INTBUS 3500: Legal Aspects of International Business
CORPFIN 3500: Corporate Finance Theory III
CORPFIN 3501: Portfolio Theory and Management III
CORPFIN 3502: Options, Futures & Risk Management III
CORPFIN 3503: Corporate Investment & Strategy III
ECOMMRCE 3500: Electronic Commerce III
MARKETNG 3500: Marketing Communications III
MARKETNG 3501: International Marketing III
MARKETNG 3502: Market Research III
MARKETNG 3503: Marketing Strategy and Project III